Saturday, August 30, 2014

Romeo's Godfather

As some who know me know, my dog, Roméo is a street rescue from Costa Rica.  This inevitably leads to the question, "How on earth!?"  How on earth, indeed.  In the short and sweet of it, I taught at a private school in San Pedro, Costa Rica in 1984 (30 years ago).  Three years ago I became reacquainted with a former student from those days.  Two years ago he was sharing with about this dog rescue group with whom he works, Rescate Animal.  And a year and half his parents rescued a stray who became christen Roméo and who came to live with me in the US.

And this weekend that former student, Federico, traveled from California where he now lives and visited Roméo for the first time, and we reunited for the first time in 30 years!
 Federico took this photo of Roméo with me on the trail down on the creek.
 He brought gifts and here Roméo is preparing to annihilate this rainbow circle.
 This morning on the deck preparing to take some photos with Federico, and Federico and Roméo.

See you again soon!

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