Friday, August 01, 2014

Stretching Out The Left-overs!

Smothered Chicken!

Dinner took me back to when I lived in Costa Rica (1984) and bought all my veggies in the market and cooked everything from scratch for myself and my housemate. We'd buy kilos of vegetables at the market on Saturday or Sunday and they would last us all week. Often something I made for dinner one day would be repurposed for the next. So a pot of spaghetti sauce on Monday could end up forming the foundation of sloppy Joe's on Thursday.

Thus it was with tonights smothered chicken. After browning the skinless fillet in a little olive and butter with diced scallions, I used some of the homemade cream of mushroom spinach soup from last night to smother and simmer it in. On low for over an hour...I didn't need the knife. 
This served over thin spaghetti with fresh blanched green beans.

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