Sunday, September 14, 2014

Recycling Moves Forward!

Got my Takoma Park food scraps recycling bucket today! First contributions? Onion and Carrot peels and ends, green bean ends and some sad moldy bread... The rules let you throw just about EVERYTHING into it. Very generous program with free biodegradable bags. (Yeah, I pay high taxes, but I live in a wonderful community full of wonderful services that benefit everyone who lives here regardless of their means. And I just think that's how people ought to live, as an intentional interdependent community--and not just because we go to the same church or synagogue or mosque or I happen to like you.)

And look at what all you can recycle!

Fruit and vegetable scraps (fresh or cooked)
Meat, fish, shellfish (including bones)
Dairy products (cheese, butter, ice cream, etc.)
Bread, pasta, rice, grains, cereal, baked goods, etc.
Nuts, beans, seeds (including shells/hulls)
Coffee grounds, filters, tea bags (no foil or foil-backed products)
Paper products (paper towels, napkins, & paper plates)
Pizza boxes (remove non-food items)
Chopsticks & popsicle sticks


Caveat: No kleenex, styrofoam, diapers, pet shit or grease. I can live with that.

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