Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Breech of the White House by Omar Gonzalez

More often than not, people who do these sorts of things are mentally ill. They are not "Terrorists". They may be dangerous on some level, but they are not homicidal. When I learned that this man had made his way into the White House and was then tackled by the secret service, I was thankful that no harm was done. I was just as thankful that no harm was done to this man, and I was thankful that no harm was done to the President and his precious family. It's a cause to celebrate, damn it!
For a moment I thought, "Thank goodness that the White House Security isn't the Ferguson, Missouri Police Force!" The outcome would have been certainly more lethal had the amateurs in Ferguson been in charge. And now we are bombarded by the opinions of blow hard, know nothing, pundits, who make their living off of being cultural provocateurs.
At the arraignment of Omar Gonzalez, the government pointed out that in his car they found an outrageous amount of bullets (800 rounds!) and two hatchets. Where the fuck do I begin? Surely the government doesn't believe in transmoglefication of solid objects through time and space by the magical powers of the will of one person, say, one mentally ill person like Omar? Surely, the government understands how harmless bullets are without GUNS!? What was in Sergeant Gonzalez's vehicle is irrelevant to the incident. It has no bearing on his actions and is only used to hype the emotions of those who are being asked to judge him.
Do you know why Omar risk his life to get into the White House? He was desperate to tell the President that our atmosphere is failing. Hell, he might actually be on to something!
In the end lots of people will use this incident to demand from us things that are actually designed to make us more fearful and suspicious of one another. I say to them, Fuck off you evil doers! I will tell you how proud I am that this man was NOT murdered by the Secret Service. How much I HOPE he gets the medical support that this nation OWES him for his service in the military. How much I admire the President for refusing to climb into the cesspool of blame and condemnation. Some one needs to stuff socks in the mouths of the nay sayers. I am so over their negative rhetoric.

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