Monday, October 06, 2014

Beef Enchiladas

Beef Enchiladas

1) Place a pkg of beef cut in strips for stir-fry in preheated olive oil on high to quickly brown, stirring and mixing as it cooks.  Toss in one medium onion cut in strips top to bottom.  Toss around.  Add one pkg of Taco seasoning and 1/4 cup of water.  Mix, cover, reduce heat to low and leave to simmer for about 30 minutes.

2) In small saucepan at one can of refried beans and one medium/smallish diced green bell pepper, cover and leave on very low heat.  Just to soften the beans and allow for mixing of pepper cubes and beans.

3) Walk your dog in the park for 25 minutes.

4) Take a large flour (or corn) Tortilla and spread some of the refried bean mixture in bottom, top with some of the beef mixture, and add some canned tomatoes and zesty peppers (drained).  Fold the sides of the tortilla into the center and place in large baking dish.  I used a Pyrex pie dish.  Use a little of the refried bean mixture to seal the tortilla in place. 

5) Repeat step four and cozy up the two tortillas.

6) Top the two folded and sealed tortillas with Enchilada sauce (I use El Paso brand) and lots of cheese.  I used colby jack and pepper jack.

7) Bake for 30 minutes on 350˚.
Prettier on a plate.

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