Friday, October 17, 2014

Healthcare Report

Today is a teacher's holiday, so I set it aside to do my semi-annual bloodletting at my doctor's office. His office is in downtown DC so I got to see the Capitol Dome all gussied up in scaffolding for its latest facelift.

The stats are good: BP 126/80 resting heart rate 60 bpm. Weight unchanged. But the bloodletting? No longer on the premises. I had to drive several blocks over to a place that only does bloodletting... This costs me $12.50 on its own and another $12.00 for parking to go with the $18.00 parking fee from the first office with it's $15.00 co-pay. I know. I KNOW. I have excellent insurance coverage and very grateful for that. But what cost me altogether only $19.00 two years ago is now costing me $57.50. At least the flu shot was included...
A few hours later....

I FEEL AWFUL! Got my flu shot this morning....lot's of localized fever, aching in my joints and headache.... Thank the Atoms & Void it's only a wee version of the real deal...

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