Friday, October 17, 2014

You Can't Put New Wine Into Old Wine Skins

I just don't understand why anyone thinks that this Pope is going to effect any change of consequence in the Catholic Church. When he starts inviting the Ultra-Conservative Cardinals to dinner, and then they sudden die of a "heart attack," I'll believe. That's the way change happens at the Vatican--"divine" intervention from the stronger hand. Ask the only true reformer's ghost in my lifetime, Pope John XXIII.

In a report Monday, the Vatican had said that gays and lesbians have "gifts to offer" the Christian community and acknowledged that same-sex couples can give "precious support" to one other.
The statement, an interim report from a closely watched meeting of Catholic clergy here, was widely praised by liberals. It is believed to be the first time the Vatican has said anything positive about gay relationships.
One longtime Vatican journalist called the statement a "pastoral earthquake."
"The message has gone out that this is what the synod is saying, this is what the Catholic Church is saying," said Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, referring to the special meeting of Catholic clergy gathered here through Saturday.
"It's NOT what we're saying at all."
The Vatican backtracked on Tuesday. In a statement, it said the report on gays and lesbians was a "working document," NOT the final word from Rome.
The Vatican also said that it wanted to welcome gays and lesbians in the church, but NOT create "the impression of a positive evaluation" of same-sex relationships, or, for that matter, of unmarried couples who live together.
Same old bunch of repressed, psychologically damaged white men pretending to be God.

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