Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Crime Was Committed...

Dear Friends,
It pains me severely to report on this otherwise festive occasion of Thanksgiving the news of a crime. Yes, a crime most heinous. At approximately 11 AM on this very day, I set two rolls of paper towels out on the stairs to later transport to the kitchen. At 11:45, I noticed they were both missing....
The first image is of the crime scene. All suspicion quickly fell upon the "owner" of the rug.

Unable to obtain a useable mugshot of the accused owing to his immediate full confession and utter humility and sorrow, a verdict was siftly rendered while said guilty party stood before this magistrate in a state of abject contrition (captured in the second photo).
The culprit has been sentenced to a "Walk in the Park" to commence immediately and to last for a time period of not less that 30 minutes and not more than 60 minutes. I can report that the accused has accepted his fate with much grace and is eager to begin serving his time.
I must say that a spotless, if not extraordinary record of the highest turpitude and integrity for the first 577 days of his co-habitation in our domicile won the young man much favor in the eyes and heart of the court predisposing all judgments to a trajectory of mercy and understanding.

In the end, nothing went to waste...

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