Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Thought About Pope Francis

t's no secret, I am not impressed with Pope Francis. I admit, the idea of Pope Francis is intriguing, but so much of what he's been doing has only been dicking around with words. When he's tried to do real things, he's gotten his ass handed to him on a shiny golden paten. Well, until recently--I have noticed how he's been replacing recalcitrant, belligerent, conservative Bishops with younger, hipper, more genial men. It's a start.
Then I stand impressed by his behind the scenes detent in brokering rapprochement between the United States and Cuba--for this I am on his side to win the next Nobel Peace Prize.
And now a kick ass homily not only directed at the pack of old farts at the Vatican, but TO them? You have to at least say this, anyone who calls these conservative assholes out as having "existential Schizophrenia" and "spiritual Alzheimer's," and of practicing the "terrorism of gossip" while wearing "Funereal faces" is a guy who knows how to turn the tables and take no prisoners. He does have a food taster, right?
While I am no more interested in theism--that's a settled issue for me; I am much more interested in what he does with his belief in "god". He now has my attention.

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