Saturday, January 24, 2015

Great Quote + 2 cents

As you all know I am a teacher--a lifelong vocation, to be certain. I believe in the fundamental ideals of the American education system. I recognize that there is room for improvement. I am baffled that we spend umpteen times as much to build bombs and fuel the War Machine than we do to provide EVERY child in our nation with a 100% world class education. That we think paying Brain Surgeons 6 or 7 figures is logical while decrying the greedy teachers (who will never see a 6 figure salary even after 30-40 years of 10 hour days and many weekends spent planning and assessing off the "clock," and....) who educate the Brain Surgeons for wanting to earn a respectable salary and live a comfortable life.

And frankly, I think Ms. Ravitch would do a better job as our Secretary of Education than the feckless and pathetic Arnie Duncan.

Of all the cabinet appointments of this President whom I love, Secretary Duncan is the most nepotistic and worthless.

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