Saturday, February 14, 2015

Birthday Boy's Big Day!

Started with a walk in the park.  His favorite ritual and given the weather one that we were able to do for a couple of days, and aren't likely to do tomorrow.  SO it was special for the way the weather conspired to make it possible.

When Romeo arrived in my life from Costa Rica back in April of 2013, the vet there placed his age at 14 months.  I backtracked to a birth month and year of February 2012.  Then placing it on the 14th was a no brainer, right?

After our walk we went to the doggy boutique in Hyattesville called "Big Bad Woof."  Since it was his birthday, he got a $10 dollar coupon to spend and then I literally let him sniff his way around and make choices--3 choices, for his presents.
It was a very exciting morning, which always necessitates a serious nap!
Damn I live a fortunate life!

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