Monday, February 16, 2015

Facebook Advice

I appreciate Facebook, I really do. And I've noticed how over the years they've used everything I've posted to refine the ads that run down the side of my page. I got no problem with that either--it's gotta pay for itself somehow, right? 

For the longest while now there have been ads for meeting other gay men. These I find annoying. Sometimes the banner reads "I need a boyfriend" over the face of some Colgate toothpaste spokes-boy smiling. Gack! Who needs anybody who needs a generic somebody? That's just trouble from the get go! 

But I digress, because the real point is that I'm celibate and happily so. I'm not against sex--sex is still awesome. But I'd rather direct my energies in other directions. And FYI--Facebook, you don't get my "type" anyways. So here a little chart to help you better hone your algorithms. Calculate on sweet FB.

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