Friday, February 27, 2015

Lived Long and Prospered....

What a sadness.  What a joy.  How can you feel anything but happy when you consider a life so well lived?  I am sad for myself like all beloved passings into ancestry...and perhaps even just an intsy bit jealous.  Leonard Nimoy got to live a very charmed life, fully aware of how beloved he was and is, and able to do whatever he wanted to do by the prime of his existence.  Like, how much more can anyone hope for?

His legacy is sealed for generations to come.  I have no doubt of that.

In 1978, I met him after a performance of "Sherlock Holmes" performed at the Fisher Theater in Detroit, Michigan.  He was in the lead role.  I geekily gave him a copy of my fanzine.  He graciously accepted it.

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