Saturday, February 28, 2015

My Dad's WW II Photos

Or a few of them, anyways.
My dad standing under the engine looking at the camera.
 My dad was a flight engineer on a Bomber.  We was stationed in Libya after it's liberation from Rommel.  In the summer of 1943, he participated in the bombing of Sicily prior to the surrender of Mussolini.
 Unidentified airman painting a plane.  Below two more examples of his artistry.

 My dad (left) with unidentified airman in Libya desert, 1943.
 My dad (left) with unidentified airman displaying bottle of something.
 My dad hugging unidentified airman.
The rest of the pictures are from Italy after it's liberation.  circa October/November 1943.
 My dad seated in a boat on his way to visit the Grottos.
 Approaching the cliffs where the Grotto caves are located.
 My dad with an unidentified miss...I could have been half Italian!
My dad with his flight crew in Italy, autumn 1943.

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