Sunday, March 29, 2015

Today's Sermon


I think it is a good thing
to think about death
on a regular basis. Not
too often, but enough so
the idea is not awkward. After all,
you don't want to be caught
so completely off guard
that it's nothing more
than a

Not that anyone
gets the opportunity
to approach it casually.
I can't imagine it's like
deciding to flip a switch--well,
not for most of us, anyway.

I think I'm probably like most people.

I don't want it to be too painful--
it doesn't seem realistic
to imagine that there
will be no pain, right?
And if
I have the piece of mind
when my death comes, I would
so like to be able to smile.

Of course, laughter would be better,
but I don't want to be greedy.

~ R. William Ash

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