Saturday, April 18, 2015

Little Free Library Update

I like to keep current and new copies of books there for people to discover, take and read.  Here are the latest new books that I've ordered.

David Brooks is a Republican pundit and commentator that I honestly respect greatly for his integrity and fairness. In his new book The Road to Character he explores the lives of various people throughout American history and the lessons their lives leave to us; lessons that go beyond pontification and platitude, the lessons of character.

Captain Janeway has just penned a memoir and I'm so excited to read it. She is one of those people whom I would dearly love to have lunch with at my favorite NYC restaurant, Cafe Grazzi on 84th Street east just off Central Park near the Met. From her time on the Soap Ryan's Hope to her current role on Orange is the New Black, she shares the life that we never knew. Her interview hawking the book on NPR was quite moving.

While I love all the books that arrive and leave I always what there to be current books, new books there, too.

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