Sunday, April 26, 2015

Romeo, My Love

Today is the second anniversary of the arrival of my canine cohabitant, Romeo, to the United States.  He was adopted from an organization in Costa Rica that rescues street dogs.

Back in 1984 I taught at a private school (fresh out of College) in Costa Rica.  In 2012 via Facebook I reunited with one of my former students who had since emigrated to the United States and was part of an amazing organization called Animal Rescate that ran a clinic and shelter in San José devoted to the rescue and adoption of street dogs.  In time, I was introduced to Romeo through him, Federico.  Federico's parents had rescued him and when I heard about his story, I said that he sounded like a real Romeo.  This led to a photo of "Romeo" being sent to me and as the story goes--I was nabbed, hook, line and sinker!

So it was that on this date in 2013, Romeo arrived in the United States.  He made landfall in Houston, but didn't actually make it to DC until tomorrow.  There were problems with his flight itinerary.  Never the less, this is the date of his emigration.  And we celebrated it by napping on the deck!

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