Sunday, May 31, 2015

Accessorizing For Summer

Ran some errands on Saturday and returned with some new embellishments.  The one that I intended to upgrade was my American Flag.  I went to my local Ace Hardware and while there also saw the little pride flag hanging on a wall surrounded by emblems and flags of Gay Pride.  I did not find another one like it in a package, however.  So, I asked the sales person about it.  He said, "It's not for sale."  I gave him a look, and asked, "Why?"  "Because it's part of the display," he replied.  I gave him another look. "Lot's of stuff are parts of displays, but their just examples of the merchandize.  Why is this one special?"  He gave me a look.  "Let me ask my manager," he said.  Wise man, I thought.  Because my next move was to ask for the manager.  Bottomline: there was no record of this product in their computer inventory.  He sold it to me for the nearest product like it price minus a 10% discount.  I never asked for a discount.  I just wanted to buy the damned banner.  Lesson: don't take "not for sale" for an answer.
 I also ran by Pablo's Nursery and purchased another "sun" sculpture to place on the exterior side of my garden gate.
 And while there I found this lovely dragonfly sculpture, too.  I used to have a ceramic frog sculpture adorn this bird bath, but it was stolen during my home robbery.

Ms. Catbird seems happy to approve of this addition to her spa!

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