Sunday, May 03, 2015

Gardening Romeo Style!

Time to tackle the little garden that lies between the back concrete path and the stairway to the basement entrance.  It's the most contained bed in the yard.

In early spring, it produces some daffodils and a few crocuses.  It also quickly fills with beds of Mexican Sedum--with is fine by me.  A succulent the maintains soil moisture.  There were also some second year Foxgloves that came up from seeds last season and should grow to bloom this season.

I cleaned out the winter detritus along with the sedum and then planted an alternating row of the red and white begonias.  I preserved the Foxglove--I am thrilled that they may colonize the space at some future point.

Then I seeded.  I cover the dirt with the seeds of Zinnia, Cleome and Cosmos.  Then a layer of rich compost.  I would love for these to flourish here and reseed from season to season, too.
Romeo, in classic Romeo fashion, presented himself as the gentle napper of the garden.  He just quietly padded up and flopped down and fell asleep!  He is my boy.  I love him so much!

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