Saturday, May 02, 2015

National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial

Washington, D.C. is place lousy with museums, memorials, monuments, parks, statues and sculptures.  One that I love, this is a park and a memorial, is the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial.  I sits over the top of a Metro station surrounded by builds dedicated to the District and Federal Court system and backed by the Monumental National Building Museum.  
The outer edges are lined with gently sloping walls containing the names of every police officer in the United States killed during the line of duty.
At either end of both arcs are monumental bronze statues of lions.
Looking up the center your see s pergola on either side of a round plaza.  Before it is a slowing flowing reflecting pool.  Behind it the National Building Museum.
Carefully pruned Linden trees line the other walk ways.
Opposite the adult lions are sets of playful cubs.
Visitors leave momentos....
The linden lined arcs create holy space.
It's not hard to find this memorial.  More people who visit DC should take the time to.

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