Saturday, May 09, 2015

Reverend ME! Who Knew!?

A friend and I were talking and in the conversation it happened that he was looking for someone to marry him and his boyfriend. He has an Uncle who is ordained and might be doing it, but needed a backup, and well, two people talking shit and all and well I'd be as good a minister as any for such an occasion, right? And don't get me wrong, I am totally honored to even be considered a worthy presider over such a wonder event...but I needed to establish my credentials.

After all Sir Ian McKellan did it for Captain Picard, right? So I explored the same avenue and sent off my application to the good folks at the Universal Life Church Monastery.

Low and behold, a couple of weeks later my ordination papers arrived. Talk about the separation of Church and State--it's all there. Even a letter of good standing should there be any issues. To be honest, (and ministers should always be honest) it is a bit overwhelming. When I think about all of the coursework in dead languages, and ass kissing, and hoop jumping that some of my friends engaged in in order to be ordained in churches that are DYING! That ought to have been thanking their God for men and women still interested in prolonging their demise...well, I'm humbled that it was so easy. I have no desire to preach or form a congregation. But it is nice to know that I can officiate a wedding or a funeral just like my friends, and the state will not intervene on the civil document side of such things.

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