Friday, June 05, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner

As a gay man, I guess I'm supposed to have an opinion on the metamorphosis of Bruce Jenner into Caitlyn Jenner.  And I do.  It's not very nuanced or sophisticated, but in a world of tremendous punditry and confusion, perhaps simple is best.

I wish Caitlyn all the best.  She's clearly in a position to live out the rest of her life in a charmed environment replete with every possible convenience and all the publicity any publicity-whore could want or need.  

At no point in the reality of Bruce/Caitlyn's life was he/she ever in a place of ruin.  She is a shrewd lady.  Why, look at her chosen modus exposure: Vanity Fair?  Seriously?  

My problem is not with her transition.   Everyone should be given the opportunity to live a life content and grounded.  My problem is how at every turn she uses the world about her to exact a measure of concern and sympathy and notoriety that ultimately has NOTHING to do with being transexual.

Please just go away.  Pretty please!

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