Monday, June 22, 2015

Mens Fashions

Anyone who knows me knows that my fashion sense is mediocre at best. I don't spend my money on adornments. I, in fact, take pride in how little I spend on clothes. I do try to buy high quality clothes, but I also wear them until they fall apart in the washer! I will never be a fashionisto.

Still I enjoy the process of creating fashion. I am a total sap for Project Runway! And I am avid reader of the New York Times which covers the world of fashion like no other newspaper.

Here are my likes and fails from the recent fashion season. I swear, if I were a model on the failing runway, I would be humiliated to wear some this stuff. You have to either love the check or tell yourself that you don't know jack shit about fashion, so this could be a good idea....'s NOT!

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