Saturday, August 15, 2015

Best Wishes to President Carter

After learning of President Carter's cancer diagnosis I was crest fallen.  Then I saw this meme on the internet and sent it to him with this following note.

Dear President Carter:

After learning of your recent diagnosis of cancer, I saw this meme on Facebook.

You were the first president I ever voted for. It was 1980, and I have never grown to be more proud of a single vote that I have cast since. It taught me that my right to vote my conscience was more important and more essential than the outcome of a particular election.

Ergo, reading your words here brought me up short. With all due respect President Carter, you're wrong. I can see all of these things. I see them in YOU.

I have no doubt that you will traverse this current challenge with the same humility and truth. Please, know that I am standing with you, sending you all the compassion and love and HOPE I can muster.

With a heart filled with gratitude for your service,

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