Sunday, September 13, 2015

Big Haul At The Farmer's Market

Not a bad haul today from the Farmer's Market.  And it was PACKED to the gills!  At one point I noticed this thirty-something Hispanic women.  She was placing white peaches into a bag.  After selecting 6 she briefly looked up at me.  We made eye contact, and then she just walked off into the crowd.  What? I thought, like did I just see what I thought I saw? 

 I followed her.  She was in a bit of hurry, but with the crush of people, she couldn't move inconspicuously and quickly.  half a dozen or so booths away from the one with the peaches I called out in her direction: "Excuse me!"

She and a couple dozen other people all looked at me and her face sank.  I asked in a very loud voice, "Did you plan to pay for those peaches or just steal them?"

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry," she said, "I'm sorry."  And she turned with her many bags including the peaches and headed back toward the peach farm booth.  She kept saying, "I'm sorry.  I'm sorry..." as I followed her and I said, "I don't care if you're sorry.  I don't need you to be sorry.  I want you to not be a thief!" 

She did one more strange thing.  When she got the peach farm booth, she dropped all over her other bags on the ground under a table just outside the booth and took only the bag with the peaches to the pay.  And I noticed that when she pulled her red snap purse out of her skirt, she pulled out a wad of $20's.  Once she paid, I just walked away.

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