Friday, September 25, 2015

What I'm Reading #88

I am not a great fan of cookbooks. I have a few and the one's I have I cherish. (recipes, on the other hand are another thing entirely, right?) But I do own some cookbooks. One series that inspires me and has proven to be trustworthy is the World Kitchen books published in the United Kingdom by none other than Murdoch Publishing (Rupert Murdoch, progenitor of FOX TV). They are designed to feature the cuisine of a particular nation. I started with Morocco, and then came Thailand, followed by Italy. I don't think they are in print anymore and exploring them on Amazon can be a sobering experience! At one point the only available copies of the France version were nearly $500.00.

So imagine my delight when I was able to acquire it recently for less than $30 as new? I am thrilled and plan to spend quality time this weekend exploring it's culinary gifts.

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