Sunday, October 25, 2015

The New Pumpkin Pie!

Some years back I started adding walnuts in syrup to my holiday pumpkin pies.  They made for a nice surprise!  The recently I became the recipient of a many pounds of dried cherries from a childhood friend who still lives in Michigan.  They are delicious, but what to do with so many?  So here's another solution: Pumpkin Pie with Candied Walnuts and Dried Cherries!  Very American.
 Assembled all the standard stuff in advanced of starting.

 Rolled out the pie crust per directions.
 Assembled the brown sugar and spices from the recipe on the pumpkin puree.
 Two eggs....
 plus pumpkin puree...
 Mixed together, then....
 The condensed milk and sugar and spices until it's a cream sort of sunny pudding.
Next, the walnuts.  I used Smuckers which are made for use over ice cream and are usually sold some- where new the ice cream freezer in the store.
 Arrange them evenly on the bottom of the pie crust with the syrup.
 Add the dried cherries to form a nice layer and then pour over the pumpkin 'pudding' mixture.
 Back according to the directions on the can.
And serve it in whatever manner you think best.  I like mine with a little vanilla ice cream--not a fan of whipped cream.

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