Sunday, October 25, 2015

Three Bean Florentine Soup!

Totally made up today by me!
Three Bean Florentine Soup

1) Cook up 8 oz of cubed pancetta
2) Add 3 cups of beef stock & 3 cups of water
3) Add one onion, diced
4) Add three stalks of celery, sliced
5) Add two carrot, peeled and sliced
6) Add spices: Oregano, Thyme, Black Pepper, and a couple of Bay Leaves
8) Add one 15.5 oz can each of Goya® Frijoles Negras, Habichuelas Romanos, and Habichuelas Coloradas along with all juices and reside.
7) Simmer for a while--cause it will smell like love by this point! And it did! I let it simmer for over an hour until it reduced by an inch or so. I also stirred it every 12 to 15 minutes to keep the beans from sticking to the pot.
9) Add one 16 oz can of Zesty diced tomatoes.
11) Add one package of mature fresh Spinach, crudely chopped.
12) lastly, frugally, add some salt to taste, if needed. I skipped it, it wasn't necessary.

I let it simmer for another 30 minutes or so to mingle all the flavors. It is fantastic! So nice I ate it out on my deck. It needed to be celebrated a little.
Overlooking my repast was poor mother wolf and two of her cubs. One had just asked the question, "What is a skunk..." Let's hope the answer didn't involve any demonstration of skunktitude!

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