Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Random Quote #215

"It is this, looking with awe and with wonder that makes Lascaux what it is.  All these animals are beautiful, and centuries ago; when there was room on earth for all of us, how humankind must have yearned to be strong and beautiful, free, innocent--all the things that they were not, and we are not.  And perhaps that's why they made these images--secretly in the earth--to honor the animals.  And so you see, scientifically, these are primitive people, because science advances; it's like a ladder, one step leads to another.  But art isn't like that.  Art is about being human.  Children make art instinctively.  Archeologists know that when they find evidence of art, they've found evidence of human beings.  It expresses all that best in us, our hopes, our desires, our truths.  And so art changes, but it doesn't get better."

~ Sister Wendy Beckett, 1930 - 

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