Saturday, December 19, 2015

"The Legend of the Poinsettia"

Today's Holiday offering is by Tomie dePaola another prolific writer/illustrator. "The Legend of the Poinsettia" is actually part of a series of floral legend books that include the Bluebonnet and the Indian Paintbrush. The story is set in Mexico and involves a poor but devout family who are asked one Christmas by the local Padre to make a new covering for the baby Jesus in the creche. The mama works hard to fulfill the request but then become ill and cannot. Her daughter Lucinda attempts to complete it but ends up ruining it ashamed she hides and refuses to go to church on Christmas Eve. While hiding, she meets an old woman who encourages her to bring what ever gift she can fine to the church. She looks around and sees a weed every where. She picks some and to everyone's surprise enters the church and lays it before the Creche with the baby Jesus--then to everyone's astonishment, the weeds blooms in brilliant red! Everywhere they bloom thought the village. First published in 1994, it's still in print in paperback.

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