Saturday, January 09, 2016

An Evening @ The Theater: Pre-game Show

Another eventful evening at the theater, but the first story takes place prior to the show. To set the stage we arrived in the vicinity of the theater about an hour and 30 minutes prior to the show. We walked a blocked and half sizing up the variety of restaurants and settled on one called the "Luna Grill and Diner." The menu looked interesting and it wasn't crowded. We'd barely sat down when a server arrived and apologized for not noticing us. I said, "Well, we only just arrived." He gave us menus, took our drink orders and soon returned with drinks and took our order. 40 minutes later the place had filled up, and I asked him how our order was coming along. He said it would be right out. 10 minutes later, I asked him again. He apologized and I said, "We have tickets to the theater and I'm afraid we're going to be late." He asked if we wanted it to go... I said, "We can't take our diner into the theater." He again apologized and told us it would be 5 more minutes. I said, "I'm sorry but that's just cutting it too close." He offered again to bring it "to go..." I gave him a look and repeated that we can't take food into the theater. He said, "Do you want me to cancel your order?" And all throughout he was very apologetic. I looked at my friend and then said, "Yes." So off he goes. He is politely waiting his turn to speak to the manager and about another 5 minutes goes by. We're 10 minutes from curtain. We still have to walk the two blocks to the theater, and I have to wait in will call for the tickets. Finally, he says something to the manager and then the two of them disappear into the kitchen! That's when I turned to my friend and said, "Let's go." She replied, "Without paying?" I said, "Are you crazy? We're going to be late and who the hell knows what they're doing?" And I thought, one diet coke and one skimpy class of cabernet is NOT going to bring this place to its knees.

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