Friday, April 29, 2016

Maryland Science Center - Baltimore

Spent the day filling in for a sick teacher on the 5th grade field trip to the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore's inner harbor.  My # 1 responsibility was to chaperone the two "high maintenance" members of the class--who just happen to BFF's.  I happen to really like and enjoy both boys...what's not to love about two 11-year-olds who go off on topics like which "musical montage" is better when pair with a fantasy collage of images from a specific Japanese Anime character?  The day started with an hour on DNA in one of the most boring presentations I've ever had to sit through, then a cool multi-story IMAX extravaganza involving volcanoes, earthquakes and tornadoes.  Next was lunch with break dancing. and then free roam--We liked the dino's the best.

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