Thursday, April 21, 2016

Spring Break Redux: Chicago Layover part 1 - Chicago Cultural Center

One of the opportunities that my trip presented to me was an opportunity to finally meet a longtime internet friend.  At his behest, we chose to meet at the former Chicago Library--now the Chicago Cultural Center.  It was an amazing place and meeting Dean was such a gift to me--he only might know how much this meant to me.  We have been acquaintences for many years, our friendship has built over time and now we know one another in person.  Life is good.

And discovering the Chicago Cultural Center with him as my guide--a place that he adores--was simply delightful in every way!

 There are two amazing domes in the building: both with Tiffany Stained Glass windows.

 The main room hosts midday concerts, and on Thursdays they are Jazz ensembles.

 There was also a quilt exhibition on display in one room.

 Another exhibit also featured works by Chicago Hispanic artists.  This sculpture is made from discarded snake skins!
Below, the works of Theo Jansen were on display.  Dean and I both got to animate one of the sculptures.  Very amazing use of kinesthetic principles of design in creating these faux mobile "creatures".  

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