Saturday, April 23, 2016

Spring Break Redux: Volunteer Park Water Tower

The last thing to visit in Volunteer Park is the water tower. It is a very interesting structure. I love that it purports to host an "exhibition" at the top! More like two (count 'em, two) laminated placards with information about the history of the tower and its designer, Frederick Olmsted. Climbing to stairs sends you on a 180 degree traverse of the inner wall. I don't know how many stairs it is--but it feels like a lot. There were a couple of "windows" to provide natural light on the journey. As you might expect, the acoustics are quite lovely. On my way up I could hear someone playing a guitar. Once, I arrived and my presence was known, the player stopped. I approached him eventually and asked his permission to take a picture of him and then told him how beautiful his music was and he should please feel free to continue playing it. He smiled and then did. And, of course, there are the 360 degrees of amazing vistas. Enjoy!

I didn't intend for this image to be blurry, but I am glad that it is. You get the gist of it without implicating the identity of the person. He seemed to want to be anonymous. Life is often just right.

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