Sunday, April 24, 2016

Spring Break Redux: The Woodland Park Zoo, part 8 of 9

One last segment for tonight. This is where I made an ill fated turn. I should have gone into the Banyan Wilds of Tropical Asia, but I didn't and as a result I never got back to them.... What I did do was head north into the exhibits called AstraliaAsia Willawong Station. The first animals to entertain were a pair of Snow Leopards. Then there was an Australian Aviary where I totally recognized the Kookaburra--but alas, no old gum tree! Next there where Kangaroos lounging in a barn-like structure that was open to the visitors and another large open space with Emus and Rock Wallabies that were intent on sun bathing! And who could blame them?

 Snow Leopard
 Snow Leopard
 Snow Leopard
 Laughing Kookaburra
 Rock Wallaby
Rock Wallaby

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