Saturday, May 14, 2016

Senate in the Bull's Eye: 2016

I predict that the Senate will shift to the Democrats this year.  Here's the lay of the land given the presumptive nominees.  Already the polls are giving the seats to Democrats in Wisconsin and Illinois.  Ohio is absolutely trending in Democrat's favor and Florida--without even candidates yet, just demographically is in the Democrat's pocket.

After that I am expecting both Pennsylvania and New Hampshire to join the Democrats tally board.  Though I acknowledge that both Nevada and Colorado are not easy wins for the Democrats, I do believe that they will prove Blue seats.  And this is were demographics are on the Democrat's side.

The population that will prove pivotal this November are Hispanics.  Hispanic voters will keep afore mentioned Nevada and Colorado and boost Florida into the Democrats win column.  AND here's where it gets interesting:  The power of the Hispanic vote will have significant effects on the results in Arizona, North Carolina and even Iowa.

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