Monday, May 30, 2016

The Story Of My New Fountain

My life with birds (and fountains!). 
As I left today around noon to run an errand and stop by the nursery to pick up a couple of things, I noticed my fountain in the front yard was dry. I went around and grabbed the hose and began to fill it. Around me there was a sudden flurry of action in the maple tree and the bushes. I realized that a bunch of little Titmice had descended and were watching me. No sooner had I turned off the hose and while still standing next to the fountain, a brave little titmouse flew onto the rim of the fountain's bowl and while watching me repeatedly dipped her beak into the fresh water. I spoke to her in a low calm voice complimenting her on her courage and her dashing good looks! She hopped around a little closer to me and gave me one final look over before flitting off to a nearby hydrangea bush. By the time I got to the spigot with the hose, I turned to see the fountain mobbed by Titmice and one scarlet Cardinal!

At the nursery, I happened by a display of fountains--the little lotus ones (The place is huge and has several displays of different models of fountains and bird baths all over). The 36 inch one was sold, but three of the 30" lotus fountains remained. Encouraged by my recent avian encounter and thinking that it would be perfect on my new deck, I impulse purchased one. I will say that it was $150,00 less than the fountain that I have in my front yard, but still a pretty penny. (And yet, if amortized over the decade that I have owned that fountain, and all the joy is has brought to me and my avian friends--it's only cost me about $3.12 a month....just saying, it's all about the perspective.)
It's perfect! The sweet sound of the gurgling water makes for an excellent background to the plethora of other sounds all around. Around 5 o'clock, Romeo and I went for a walk in the park. When we got home we both made a beeline through the front door to the back to get out on the deck (as is our habit), and as I caught sight of the new fountain I was delighted to see Catbird had discovered it and was enjoying a cool drink! I love the birds. They are all great garden companions.

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