Saturday, June 04, 2016

Culinary Fail....

I've shared a lot of stuff on this forum and most of it I'm pretty proud of and happy with.  But not everything I attempt is a smashing success.  This recipe came to me via FB and friend.  It seemed simple enough.  In its original form it was 1 can condensed soup, 1 container onion chip dip, one little block of grated cheese, precooked chicken and uncooked biscuits.  Perhaps you've seen it?  Because I can never leave well enough alone, I did some substitutions and additions, BUT tried to stay true to the original formula.  The biggest change was to substitute the chicken for ham and add some peppers and corn.  Because I know that veggies ALWAYS add moisture to a casserole, I made sure the corn was completely thawed and dried using some paper towels.  I also upped the cooking time from 25 to 40...and then 50 minutes.  When it got to the point where I was concerned about burning the biscuits that had risen, I removed it from the oven.

On the plate, you can see it doesn't look half bad, right?  But that depends on which half you're talking about!!  The biscuits in the middle just never cooked....  The parts that did were good, but too much of it was nasty.

Oh, well.  Live and learn. 

The fix might be to spread it out more thinly in a larger dish.  OR place the mixture in the dish and then arrange the biscuit bits on the top with a thin coat of the mixture on them.  I do believe that it can be fixed.

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