Monday, July 11, 2016

Fruit Cobbler

Easiest recipe ever!

1) Melt a stick of butter (unsalted) in a medium sized baking dish.

2) Mix 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 tbsp baking soda, and pinch of salt.  Add 1 cup of milk and mix, but not too well.  Pour into dish with butter.

3) 4 cups of fruit--I used peaches, mango and pineapple. With 1 cup of sugar in a sauce pan heated and stirred until fruit is bathed in syrup.  This combination formed so much syrup that I didn't use all of it.  Place the fruit evenly into the batter.  Sprinkle with cinnamon.

4) Bake at 375˚ for at least 45 minutes, and sometimes longer.  Use the toothpick test to make certain the dough has set.  For this one, it baked for 75 minutes to cook though.

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