Monday, August 22, 2016

National Air & Space Museum, part 6: Space Race

As a child I was captivated by the Skylab space station, the Apollo-Soyuez experiment and as an adult the Hubble Space telescope. They're all here along with a history of rockets in all their multistoried grandeur. You can also see the Apollo 11 command module.

 The Skylab main module, visitors can enter it from the second floor and see the inside.

 The missiles rise up from the missile pit to rise 5 stories and more in such majesty.

 The Apollo-Soyuz mission was a milestone in Russian-U.S. detente and to see them here really feeds my sense of nostalgia.

 Self-portrait in the Apollo heat shield!
 The Hubble Space Telescope prototype--another milestone in American scientific ingenuity.
 Apollo 11 capsule.

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