Monday, August 22, 2016

The View from Here

 My new deck's pergola with Morning Glories is a smashing success!  And look at Audrey--my Tree Philodendron on the right!  Audrey came to be back in 1994 as a little plant in a little pot and I had no idea just how much our relationship would grow over the last 22 years.  She winters inside with a dirty of natural light and spends her summers out back recuperating.  It's a cycle that seems to work for her.  And this year, she is more magnificent that ever!
Thus I have bestowed upon her this moniker: Audrey-the-Magnificent!  I am so tempted to bequeath her to the National Conservatory upon my death, just because she has been such a joy to me all these years.  Is that even possible?

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