Saturday, September 10, 2016

Maryland's First State House

 Since moving to Maryland in 1994, I have visited this site many times--always in the company of 4th graders!  My visit today was unencumbered by others.  Already well steeped in the historical facts, it was such a pleasure to just focus on the place.
 By way of comparison, this is Maryland colony's House of Burgesses.  And if you've ever visited there, it's about 3/4th's as large, but served the self-same function.  It was first built in 1676 and then reconstructed in this iteration 1934 to become the first in what would grow to be dozens of recreated colonial buildings in what is now called Historic St. Mary's City.
 As a visitor, you are free to explore both floors and you will discover period piece furnishings and other artifacts.

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