Friday, September 30, 2016

Democracy in the Show Me State!

Republican Party, incumbent
I did something today that I would venture to guess not very many other people did. I live streamed the one and only "Candidates Forum" for the Missouri Senate Race. It was held in a hotel meeting room in Branson and sponsored by the Missouri Press Association. There were five candidates present:

Roy Blunt, Republican Party, incumbent
Jonathan Dine, Libertarian Party, challenger
Jonathan McFarland, Green Party, challenger
Jason Kander, Democratic Party, challenger
Fred Ryman, Constitution Party, challenger

Libertarian Party, challenger
A panel of journalists were given turns asking any question they liked and then each candidate had 30 seconds to respond in turn until all 5 each had a chance to respond.

It was fascinating.

Blunt and Kander were so beyond the league of the other gentlemen on the stage in both their range and depth of answers and certainly poise in answering. I felt especially sorry for Jonathan McFarland who hemmed and hawed his way through every answer--getting across his sincerity loud and clear, but little else.
Democratic Party, challenger
Jonathan Dine wants to decriminalize ALL drugs and get rid of all the outrageous regulations and rules, and Fred Ryman wants to save Missouri from the Federal government, period...state's rights, baby--all the way. Blunt stressed his bi-partisan ways. A move clearly meant to woo back independents disaffected by the Senate's obstructionist gridlock record under Mitch McConnell. And Kander stressed his work ethic (in contrast to Blunt and the do nothing Senate) and his service in the military and as the state's elected Attorney General. 

Green Party, challenger

Constitution Party, challenger
I've already made my bed in this horse race by investing now $200 in Kander. It was an interesting exercise in state level Democracy. It took place between 2:30 and 3:30 CST today, so I'm sure by design all that most Missourians will get is a sound bite or two and excerpts in tomorrow's news paper articles on the event. Shame really.

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