Sunday, April 02, 2017

Maryland Zoo, Chapter 2: Polar Bear, Grizzly Bears, and a Bobcat!

The Maryland Zoo has recently added two species from North America to it's collection.  The zoo specializes in animals from North American (Maryland), the Arctic, and Africa.  Given it's relatively small size, these are strategic choices based on historical happenstance and now ensconced in it choices for the better.  The new arrivals are a pair of Bobcats and sibling sister Brown Bears.  The Bobcats bring new life to the Maryland exhibit itself, which up until now was anchored by North American River Otters and a Red Fox.  The Brown Bears find welcome space in the unused portion of the Polar Bear Habitat after the untimely death of one of the zoo's two Polar Bears.  I am happy to report that the other Polar is well and doing fine.
 One of the wonderful aspects of the Polar Bear, Ursus maritimus, is the variety of ways in which to view her.  And the plexiglass enclosed water area is the best--except for the annoying reflections on the glass!!!  Here you can see how that is.  Can you see the Polar Bear?  The two pics below were cropped out of 30 I took hoping for something I could share.  In the end, it's pay dirt, eh?  But there was no reason to think I had anything of interest before I downloaded them.

 And then suddenly in the midst of her antics, the Star Ship Enterprise, on yet another unbelievable time traveling back to 21st century earth, just beamed her up!  Damn you, Scotty!!!
 The pair of Brown Bears, Ursa arctos, were very animated and playful.  My photos only captured the smaller of the sisters.

As to the Bobcats, Lynx rufus rufus, only the male is on display at present and he's not interested in being seen just yet!  You can see him.  But don't expect finding him to be easy.

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