Sunday, May 28, 2017

An Evening With Whoopi Goldberg

Another lovely evening at the Music Center at Strathmore in Rockville, Maryland.
An evening with Whoopi Goldberg is everything you imagine it to be and then some.  She had not made her way to the center of the stage before the entire place was on his feet giving her a standing ovation.  She wasted no time by beginning with a funny riff on her love the word FUCK.  She just loves it!  Because it's so much fun to say--at which point amid the cacophonous applause I shouted out "AMEN"!  It was a very audience interactive program.  Her theme was "Everybody's Angry".  She pontificated on the news, the current regime in DC--she began that series with "I try to stay the fuck away from here!" and after the applause weakened, added, "I don't know how the fuck you all do it!!"--the difference between how genders use public bathrooms, her most recent attempt at having sex, her great granddaughter's mastery of all thing technological, and more.   And she finished the evening with a Q & A from the audience. 

Her comedy was insightful, courageous and wise.  She's every ounce as intelligent as she is funny, and if I thought I loved her before this evening, I left in utter adoration.  She finished the evening with a plea to bring heightened awareness to the slaughter of Albino children in Africa.   

The negative moment in the entire evening was the persistent habit of the members of the audience that went forward to use the opportunity to tell their own story before asking some half-assed question that was either unrelated or some version of "Do you agree with me?"  Of the 12 questions she fielded, three deserved the light of day.  How hard is it to ask a famous person a relevant and interesting question that gives them the opportunity to tell us more about themselves?  I didn't pay to here someone else's pathetic life story and find out if Whoopi agrees with your conclusion!  Makes me angry--no wonder "everybody's angry!" See!?  See how effective Whoopi was in her presentation? 

And she wore a fabulous white shirt with a beautiful print of a Robert Mapplethorpe image on it.  Classy!

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