Sunday, June 18, 2017

Romeo, My Love

Isn't this picture just lovely?  My truest friend and constant companion.  My Romeo!
For those new to my blog, here's a relevant timeline that will give you a sense of just how precious this beautiful creatures advent in my life is.

1984 - I lived in Costa Rica and taught high school at Colegio Metódista

2012 JULY - I reconnected with one of my former students on Facebook.  He now lives in Berkeley, California and works for a major bank in their IT dept.

2012 OCTOBER - He shared his participation in a dog rescue organization called "Animal Rescate" that saves street dogs from San José and finds them homes.  He explained that some of the dogs were imported to the United States.  He asked me if I would be interested in adopting such a dog.  I declined.  My schedule makes living with a dog very difficult.  

2013 FEBRUARY - In a new conversation, he shared the pics of a dog that his parents had rescued and that dogs story.  A scrawny little beggar who had shown up in their neighborhood and stayed in hopes of meeting the next door neighbors pet dog who was in heat.  Silly little horny dog!  I commented on the fact that he was a real "Romeo".

The next picture was of "Romeo" with his cousins hanging our in his parent's yard and a fervent resume of the dog's amazing qualities...  Like, what was I supposed to do now?  Without meaning to, I had christened him!  

2013 MARCH - Consultations began on the process of Romeo's emigration to the United States.  It was absurdly easy.  The Animal Rescate clinic managed all of the medical procedures and immigration documents for a flat contribution that didn't even cover the cost of air fare!  You know I gave them more than they suggested.

2013 APRIL - 5 weeks from commitment to adopt this beautiful foreigner I traveled to Dulles International Airport and claimed him as my own.  

As a street dog (stray) the particulars of his birth are a mystery.  The vets in Costa Rica gave his age as one year during their initial examination.  And clearly he was still a pup when he arrived.  The picture is of a beautiful 55 lb dog.  His weight at dis-embarkment was 34 lbs.  So best we can tell, he was born in the mid-winter of 2012.  Thus his birthday is 14 February, 2012.  Makes perfect sense to me!

2017 JUNE - My 5 and a half year old bestest boy ever is the joy of my life.  How amazing this web in which we live.  You never know how one moment in time will lead to another, but you must be open to what is possible.  

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