Sunday, July 23, 2017

Lake Superior Zoo Re-Design #1

I often create for myself scenarios that I then play out as if they were true.  It's just a mental game to keep my thinking sharp and direct my desire to learn in a particular direction.  This one was that I won a multi-million dollar jack-pot that gave me over 200 million dollars after taxes--hey!  It's my fantasy.

Then, I explored over 100 zoos, 164 to be exact, in search of one in which to invest some of my new found wealth.  There are many worthy candidates.  But after much consideration, I settled on the Lake Superior Zoo in Duluth, Minnesota.  And what you are about to read is the result.  Please, click on the image to see all the details.  And I have had so much fun with this one, it's not likely to be my only one.  Cheers!

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