Sunday, July 23, 2017

Lake Superior Zoo Re-Design #4

The heart of the zoo's existing collection outside of North America is Asian.  This plan capitalizes on their existing premiere species: the Amur Tiger, the Snow Leopard, and the Ring-tailed Lemur and then adds in other important and varied animals like the Red Panda and Bactrian Camel.  Additionally it transforms another area of the zoo into a Japanese garden complete with a multi-storied Pagoda for elevated access to the zoo and surrounding areas, and a hot spring for an anchor primate species: the Japanese Macaque.  There are three major primate species in zoo holdings: Gorillas, Chimpanzees and Orangutans.  None are suitable for the Lake Superior Zoo.  The Japanese Macaque of snowy winter fame thanks to National Geographic magazine are.  I add to this three others, fully aware of the fact that the Pallas Cat is not from Japan and markers describing this animal would make visitors aware of this, too.  Additionally, the gardens would provide wonderful photo ops to visitors.  Again, click the image to see the details.

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