Friday, August 25, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #2: Chicago: Chicago Art Institute

My second stop on my Total Eclipse cross-country road trip in Chicago was the Chicago Art Institute.  It was a chance to meet up with my longtime friend Tom.  Tom and I both graduated from the same university (back when it was still just a college!), we both worked for the same school district in Kentucky, we both worked at the Kentucky Dept. of Education at the same time, AND his daughter was in my first class of students when she was in 6th grade back in 1985-86!  We hadn't actually been together since 1994, and it was such a wonderful thing to have this opportunity.  After lunch we toured the current Gauguin exhibition.  No photos in the show, so I have captured some of the images from online sources.  I so enjoyed our conversation on the merits of the artist and his vision and talents.  Tom is one of those people who thinks deeply about life.  I so appreciate that and only wish we had more opportunities to converse.  On an aside, I discover the Little Free Library movement through him--and look at what a wonderful thing mine has become for me and my community? 

 Look how he used a mirror to make this self-portrait--the "Yellow Christ" is reversed.  Cool, eh?

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