Sunday, August 27, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #6: Kansas City: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, part 2 of 9

Next, it's a short walk to the African Gallery of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City.  Not one I expected to spend much time in, but I was mistaken.  The range of artifacts and art contained in this relatively small space were tremendously captivating.  I only wish the lighting would have allowed me to take better photos.

 "Water Deity Headdress" circa 1915, Etim Abassi Ekpenyong (Nigerian) dates unknown

 "Nkisi Nkondi (Power Figure)" circa 1830, Kongo Culture

 "Divination Board" 1900's, Yoruba Culture

 "Adinkra: Stamped Cloth" circa 1950, Akan-Ashanti Culture

 Detail: Cloth ink stamps, Akan-Ashanti Culture

Left to Right:

"Soul Washer's Badge" 1900's Baule Culture

"Chief's Crown" 1900's, Yoruba Culture

"Pipe" 1900's, Bamun Culture

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